CHUB came to be as a means of battling lager-soaked frustration in the aftermath of the 2019 UK general election. Four lifelong friends raging against the machine, with topics ranging from generational discontent and the corruption of the public square, to more light hearted topics like pounding pints and saggy scrotes- their mantra is “you’ve gotta laugh or you’ll cry”. Best described as “metal-infused party punk”, they’ve carved out a niche for themselves somewhere in between The Chats, Noam Chomsky, and a greasy chicken kebab.
After gigging in their home county of Sussex extensively in 2022, 2023 is looking to be a breakout year for CHUB. Debut record ‘AL BUM’ is primed for release in Spring 2023, featuring 12 tracks showcasing an eclectic range of styles and themes. Two more singles, alongside their own music videos will be released in the run up to the album's release. CHUB will be touring the UK extensively in 2023, including a spot on Rebellion Festival's Introducing stage in August.
The band has released the new single "Hateful Politics" on all streaming plataforms.
"Hateful Politics is a song we wrote to address the cesspit modern politics has become- rather than trying to reach an agreement based on policies and principles, discussion has devolved into mud slinging and smear campaigns. Tribalism is rife and people discount other's opinions and character based on nothing more than their perceived political leaning. Everything's turning black and white and there's no attempt at compromise in the debate." - says the band.