The new material has 10 tracks and is available on all streaming platforms

The New Jersey based alternative punk act, Lost in Society, has nothing but promise ahead. The trio has just released the new LP “Life During Quarantine". The power-punkers find muse in early punk and 90's grunge. The new material has 10 tracks and is available on all streaming platforms.
Jolting, fierce and raw: Lost In Society’s live show has been described as all of the above. They’ve performed at large festivals such as Punk Rock Bowling, the Vans Warped Tour, Fun Fun Fun Fest, SXSW, and Fest. Their electrifying live shows, coupled with a contagious sound, have given the group a reputation that parallels punk acts such as Rise Against and Green Day early in their careers. LIS are known for bringing fans out the same way old punks did: by word of mouth. “Life During Quarantine":
