El Kintano y la Venerea release on all platforms the first single of his new album el Bucle Infinito, "NO LO VISTE VENIR". The Song speaks of a very personal atmosphere of the artist and introduces us to this new part of El Kintano as the first preview of the new album, The album has been produced again by Hans Kruger from Montreal Studios.
"It is always strange for a creator to explain his new work, all the songs I record have a story or an end and get a sound because of the circumstances that precede the performance of it, An album is a personal experience that is influenced by additional people and is unique. Some songs express the rage and my current moment of the circumstances and society at the time of creating the songs." - says El Kintano y la Venerea.
No Lo Viste Venir: https://open.spotify.com/intl-pt/album/0OTapZ9jtpS37zmEX71ViC
El Bucle Infintito will be the second part of the musical trilogy "A CONCEPT CREATED FOR DIFFICULT TIMES" after publishing last March the first part Oceanos Sangrientos. The album will be presented through monthly singles to discover the work through Punk Rock pills little by little, until the work is completely finished.
The Kintano recently shared details about the creation process and the sound of the new album, indicating that it will have a more punk sound than the previous work, in the album there will be special collaborations in the middle of the album.
El Kintano will present new video clips of el Bucle Infinito through his youtube channel during the first part of 2024: https://www.youtube.com/@ELKINTANOYLAVENEREA