Goodnight, God Bless, I Love U, Delete. arrives October 13 via Warner, marking the project’s major label debut.
††† (Crosses), the duo of Deftones’ Chino Moreno and producer/multi-instrumentalist Shawn Lopez, have announced their first full-length album in nearly a decade. Goodnight, God Bless, I Love U, Delete. arrives October 13 via Warner, marking the project’s major label debut.
This follow-up to their 2014 self-titled album will instead be a collection of all-new material, complete with a pair of special guest appearances: The Cure vocalist Robert Smith and El-P of Run The Jewels, etc..
Moreno commented:
“When we started working on Goodnight, God Bless, I Love U, Delete., there was so much more light coming in my life, for numerous reasons. There’s a lot more optimism. Even the darker themes are more romanticized and not coming from a place of despair.”
First up is the song “Invisible Hand” and its official music video, which was co-directed by Lopez and Lorenzo Carrera. You can give that a watch below.